ABOUT | BioSignatures
Introduction to BioSignatures
The diversity of patterns and shapes in nature makes one wonder, are they there to break the monotony or do they have functional purposes? Nature holds many secrets that are yet to be revealed, scientists are every day discovering fascinating facts about nature and adaptation, and these facts existed and were functioning long before they were recognized by orthodox science.
Extensive research in this field has shown that all patterns on the surface of plants, animals, insects and other living systems, form an integral part of the total energy system of that life form. This pattern is related to the peripheral energy flow on the surface of the body, which usually interacts with the environment to adapt the central energy system to external changes. The existence of a central and peripheral energy system in the body is a fact that most alternative medical practices recognize and work with.

All objects interact with the energy of the earth to produce a certain energy field around them, and when two energy fields are in proximity they communicate and modify each other through the law of RESONANCE. Building on this energy interaction the science of BioSignatures was developed.
BioSignatures, are linear diagrams that by virtue of their design properties directly balance the energy of body organs and their functions. Similar in concept to computer technology when activated by an electric current the function is determined by the design of the circuit even when reduced to a micro level.
One important property of the energy of Geometrical shapes (three dimensional or linear) is that it flows along linear objects of any type, material or shape. Wires, strings, pipe, and other linear objects can channel energy, that is why all shapes have a peripheral energy besides their main central energy. BioSignatures on the other hand are activated by the body’s peripheral energy channeled through these special shapes that simulate the electrical path of different functions of different body organs. The energy is conducted through the linear diagram (like electricity through wires or running water along the stream of a river bed.). The flow of energy through the patterns enters into resonance with the functions of the organ they represent as similar patterns at tune (much like the tuning of musical instruments) causing a harmonic amplification which restores the correct balance within the organ; this correction is instantaneous on the energy level. To manifest on the physical however it may take longer depending on the nature of the problem and the state of the organ concerned. If the signatures are not properly designed or not needed, they do not enter into resonance with the functional energy and produce no effect, thus there is no possibility of harmful side effects. By balancing the energy of the immune system, a general initial cleansing effect can be produced in some cases, before the final balance is achieved.

The BioSignatures are used within the BioGeometrical Company’s teaching and research departments, for the development and research. This is done under the supervision of the medical professionals, who are part of the research program. Many of the members are presently using this system in their private lives with success, as part of the research program. Large scale testing for statistical evaluation is currently undergoing in collaboration with scientific research institutions. For the energy balancing to support medical treatment of several problems; Hepatitis C, White blood cells low count, burns…etc, the cases are medically documented, with physicians’ reports and laboratory tests.
BioGeometry Jewelry, like anything else worn on the body can acquire electrostatic changes from surrounding materials or devices and should be knocked strongly on a hard surface or put on the BioGeometrical cleansing tray once a day to clear the charge in order for it to work properly.
The Process of Creating BioSignatures
BioGeometry is to be distinguished from any form of symbolism. As we know symbols are as ancient as humanity; they are powerful tools of communicating ideas. Deciphering the codes of shapes in nature is what BioGeometry shapes and BioSignatures are all about. There are many schools of symbolism on levels ranging from religious and alternative beliefs to advertising and commercial manipulation. In BioGeometry shapes and BioSignatures however, we are speaking about something completely different, we are speaking about a design language. We are trying to read the energy language of nature that manifests itself in the shapes that we see. We are not creating them we are discovering them, very much like electricity, which we did not create but rather learned how to manipulate it. We need to learn to decipher these shapes in order to use them. There is no symbolic value or any meaning in BioGeometry or BioSignature Shapes. They are functional like the integrated circuits on computer chips, and are not dependent on any belief or skepticism on the part of the user.a
Results from experiments in the National Research Center in Egypt using bacteria, and other research on poultry and plants done at universities in Egypt and Holland, where auto-suggestion, known as ‘placebo effect’, has no place, show evidence of this fact.
Interchangeability Between Scales
Before going into how to use BioSignatures, it is important to explain the process Dr.Karim went through to discover them. We know from the concept of interchangeability between scales, (Please refer to the paper “The Physics of Quality”), that we can translate a colour, like red for example, to a musical note, or translate it to an angle. They are all scales expressing the same thing in different languages. This means that the laws of one would apply to the other.
With musical notes for example, we have the laws of resonance as dealt with in the Science of Harmonics (Pythagoras, Von Thymus, Kepler, Chladni, Jenny, Keyser). Like wise we ask, if there can be also resonance of shape? If the energy qualities of sound, color, and angles (components of shape), are interchangeable, then there is resonance between similar colours, shapes and motion. We shall see how we can make use of this resonance of shape and discover new dimensions in the energy patterns of the functions of organs in energy systems.
Body Energy Anatomy
We have a central energy system, and several peripheral energy systems superimposed. There is always interaction between the central energy and the peripheral energy.The Chinese acupuncture points and meridians are part of the peripheral energy system. This peripheral energy system includes an energy boundary around the shape of our body, similar to that found on the periphery of any geometrical shape (The earth and its atmosphere for example). The shape of the body has a sort of energy storage layer, which is the fat on the skin. The fat layer has more than an insulation function that protects the central energy from external factors, it has the ability to accumulate and store information.The Internal energy system uses the senses and the energy centers (Chakras) to interact directly with all levels of energy in the environment. The peripheral energy systems, in turn, are not completely closed to the outside either; they are in constant exchange of information with the outside energy environment.
We must have windows. These points bring the information to the internal system to adapt it to the surrounding environment and are used in acupuncture to affect the energy flow directly on the organs. However, we must understand that their role is much more important, they are the body’s sensors to the outside environment. It is as if I use windows in a house only to look inside the house, we however know, that those windows primary function is to look outside. In our body every organ sends parts of its energy into the peripheral system (windows) to get information about what is happening outside and adapts accordingly.
The peripheral energy systems are not all within the physical boundary, they extend beyond it in a sort of energy field or aura around the body. The peripheral energy includes several superimposed levels. We have a vitality energy periphery, an emotional energy periphery, and mental energy periphery, and each one of them in turn includes its own sub-levels.Now, with this information exchange layer, we have the ability to exchange information between the outside and inside of the body, and that is what we will do.
Similar Shapes Enter Into Resonance with Each Other

After studying the body from the physiological orthodox point of view, the Chinese system of acupuncture and its subtle anatomy of meridians, and the Indian system with its energy centers (charkas) and the energy paths joining them, we discover new BioGeometry resonance relationships. These relationships are on multiple levels in the organs of our body and are expressed as linear energy patterns of organ functions that we call BioSignatures.
If we put a simple shape into this information exchange layer around the physical body we will get resonance with corresponding energy pattern of any similar shape inside the body with the exact geometric configuration
If we look for example at an organ, it can have ten functions, which means that there are ten patterns of motion of energy inside it that are superimposed.Each pattern is on a different layer, with a different frequency.
Every pattern takes a certain shape because it performs a different function. While the shape will still be related to the primary shape, it will be more related to the internal energy patterns of shape within the organ and will be of linear design in order to conduct energy. All these patterns interact together at the end and form an energy grid. So, instead of entering into resonance with only the primary shape, we go directly to each individual energy pattern. This process can go to the smallest detail, even reaching the DNA level.
We now have our BioSignatures, which when placed within the body’s peripheral energy, conduct energy into their linear shape to form an energy pattern of the same shape that enters into resonance with corresponding body function. If the BioSignature produces the correct pattern, it will enter into resonance with and therefore amplify the energy of that corresponding organ function. This could instantaneously correct the flow of energy and balance the organ function on the energy level.
It is important to note that we are producing energy balance of the organ function. We are not speaking of the healing of the organ on a physical level. BioSignatures have an energy balancing effect which supports other forms of orthodox medical treatments or alternative remedies.
Sometimes when the energy is properly balanced, the body can produce its own healing, which can be instantaneous. This should not however delude us into thinking that this is a form of alternative medical treatment. It is still a form of energy balancing, which is nearer to an environmental ‘tuning’ activity that supports health. It is rather like tuning of a musical instrument. When we look at it in this context, it is easy to understand the simple scientific concept of BioSignatures.
Using BioSignatures
In order to get good results using BioSignatures, it is important that the practitioner has a thorough knowledge of all types of energy flows in the body, as found in Chinese acupuncture meridians, Indian Chakra energy system, and other forms of alternative energy healing.We can illustrate the importance of this with this example. If a professional tennis player suffers from a “tennis elbow;” it often means the end of his career. He will go through extensive medical treatments using drugs and prolonged physiotherapy which usually yields temporary results and the problem will recur under physical stress. In Chinese medicine, we know that the colon and the elbow are interrelated, because the colon meridian runs through the outer part of the arm over the tennis-elbow point.
In order to properly balance the energy of that area to promote the healing process, we will need to use BioSignatures for that particular muscle, the colon, and any other interrelated functions. For example, there is also a connection referred to as mother and child relationship between the lung and colon meridians, so we’ll have to add the relevant lung BioSignatures as well.
Knowing the relationship between the different inner body organs and systems is not enough, in our case, we must know the language of shape in the body and understand the organ interactions based on resonance of shape. If we already have experience in healing, we can use whatever system, computerized technology, Bio-imaging, EKG, EEG, Radiesthesia, Kinesiology or any other body monitoring system to evaluate the energy balance and pick up what is needed.
Sometimes we find that the person needs BioSignatures that seem totally unrelated to his complaints. This could be for several reasons. One would be that the person might have an undetected problem in the organ function, which could sometimes also be on the energy level and not yet physically manifested.
Another reason could be due to resonance of shape between organs or organ details. Research has shown that there is resonance between the organs based on the similarity of their shapes, for example, ear and kidneys.
While working with BioSignatures we found that sometimes a BioSignature for a specific energy function also works for something else. We had such an experience when working with the research on Hepatitis C Virus. We used several BioSignatures for immunity and liver among others. The liver functions improved slightly, but when we went into the details of the subtle energy analysis of the liver cells, we found that something was still missing. We needed something to correct the inside of the cell and surprisingly found that one of the BioSignatures for the heart corrected the problem. This worked by resonance with something inside the liver cells, or other undiscovered relationships. In any case, one has to check the choice of BioSignatures a second time after a few days, to see if additions are needed.
Extensive research is needed as this is a developing science and each time is a new challenge.
Where Does The Energy That Flows Through The BioSignatures Come From?
Could we use for example, a small battery or magnet to introduce a small current into the BioSignature?
Actually, no. It is better to avoid that because electricity and magnetism have certain wave components that are harmful to our biological system. It is much safer to let the minute level of subtle energy from the body’s own electromagnetic field found in the peripheral energy flow through the linear shape of the BioSignatures to activate them. This will happen automatically when any linear object is put in an energy field from which it will conduct the energy. Using the body’s own energy is the safest way, as electromagnetic currents have both the horizontal and vertical wave components that are harmful to our body functions, a fact which produces harmful side effects from all medical devices. Intensive care units could benefit a lot if the harmful side effects of electromagnetic fields were reduced through the use of BioGeometry. We have done a lot of research on all type of biofeedback devices and all sorts of medical diagnostic and treatment devices and found that they all contain some form of vertical wave that should be canceled. While conducting research in this field, we have filed for a joint patent (with Vince Kubilius in L.A.) for the elimination of the harmful side effects of electrical devices, using BioGeometry. A similar joint-patent (with Dr.Toby Watkinson in L.A.) was filed for the elimination of the vertical wave forms found in copper coils used in energy balancing for health.
BioSignatures Chip

The reason we made ‘chips’ with so many BioSignatures, is that, with all our present knowledge in the East and West, we do not really know everything about the workings of energy systems of the body, its paths and interrelations. Accordingly, having as many as possible proper energy BioSignatures within one’s energy system will always be beneficial because the body’s own wisdom will choose to access whatever it needs through resonance.
We then did a very interesting experiment: We reduced the BioSignatures in size on a computer down to just a point. There was absolutely no geometrical element left in there, only the energy of the shape.
We tested the effect of this dot on different people, and found that all the functions that were in it were still present and worked fine; they were still active. This is very similar to Homeopathy were the solution goes through several dilutions till no trace of the original matter is left, but the energy is still there.
An important point that we must keep in mind is that in making a general chip there are inevitable choices about which BioSignatures to include. In some cases a special BioSignature needed for a certain case might not be on the chip, or a Bio-numeral variation of the BioSignature would be more effective, it is therefore sometimes necessary to engrave additional BioSignatures on the chip.
Case study:
There are some BioSignatures that we found very helpful as a basic selection:
-The thymus gland plays an important role in our immunity.
-The stomach BioSignatures are very useful because as we know from our studies in Chinese medicine, the stomach meridian runs through the whole body on both sides. There is a saying in Arab traditional medicine that “The stomach is the house of most ailments”.
-The BioSignature for the ‘spine and nervous system’ will help with back problems and is also good for the central nervous system and immunity related to the spine. We can see from its shape a flow from the base of the spine, moving the energy up along the vertebra to the back of the brain, pineal and pituitary glands.
-The BioSignature for the liver is also important.
-The BioSignature for relaxation is something we all need along with the sign for general immunity.
-There is also another important one, which deals with depression, it works on the emotional level, and balances the disturbed emotional and mental states associated with many diseases.
The Personal Diagram Is Not A BioSignature:
As previously mentioned BioSignatures are to be distinguished from other forms of symbols and designs used by different belief systems or personal diagrams visualized by healers. BioSignatures work on the basis of resonance, and are not dependent on practitioner’s visualization but, on his expertise in choosing the right combination, based on his measurements and knowledge of the body’s energy anatomy. The BioSignature database is a result of 30 years of research and testing of each and every signature.
A BioSignature Shape is very sensitive and delicate to minute adjustments and patterns’ flow. If drawn in a different way or from a different starting point, the shapes will manifest a different subtle energy quality. They could retain their visual quality but lose their potency.
The starting and ending of the BioSignature is very delicate, especially the direction of the curvature of the tips from which the energy comes in and goes out. A BioSignature will accept a small change in proportion without changing the flow as long as the pattern is not distorted. If the gold subtle energy quality of BioGeometry is not found in the BioSignature, then the drawing is not accurate. It is important however to remember that the BioSignatures work by resonance and therefore there can be no harmful signature. If the drawing is not accurate it will simply not resonate and be ineffective.